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Providing recommendations to your customers can bring awareness to other products offered in your store and motivate them to try out different items. 

To update this setting:

  1. Navigate to the Checkout form tab on the Checkout dashboard, and select the  “Recommend my products” radio button.
  2. Click “Save changes”

Now a grid of your products will be displayed on the buyer's checkout page. This won’t include products the buyer has already purchased or products currently in the buyer’s cart. 

Recommendations are based on purchases made by other buyers, so if the product has no purchasers in common with your other products, you won’t get any recommendations.

Once a customer clicks on a recommended product, they will be directed to the product page where they can easily add it to their cart.

Recommending other products

You have the option of recommending other creators' products on your checkout page as well.

Recommend my products and products I'm an affiliate of allows you to recommend products that you’re a direct affiliate of and earn your affiliate commission if a customer checks out with it.

Recommend all products and earn a commission with Gumroad Affiliates allows you to recommend products that you’re a direct affiliate of and products eligible for Gumroad Affiliates. Directly affiliated products yield your full affiliate commission, while Gumroad Affiliate products earn you a 10% commission.