The products dashboard

In this article:

Products you have created

The “Products dashboard” allows you to create new products, see product summaries, track Discover eligibility, and view details of affiliated products as well.

In the upper panel, labeled

Archive a product

You can click the product’s name to edit it, or the three-dot menu on the right to duplicate, archive, or permanently delete a product.

In this image, we are looking at a close-up of a user interface focusing on the status and action options for items listed on the platform.  On the left, we see two instances of the word
The three-dot menu

Archiving helps you hide your product from most of Gumroad without deleting it completely, thus preventing adverse consequences like losing ongoing sales.

Archived products will not show while creating new discounts, upsells, or affiliates, and will be hidden from your profile. You will be able to see past sales or edit existing checkout options and affiliates for these products though.

If needed, you can unarchive them from the “Archived” tab which is visible only if you have an archived product.

Products you are affiliated to

The Affiliated tab is currently the closest thing to a "Dashboard for Affiliates" on Gumroad. 

This image is a snapshot of the 'Products' page on Gumroad, focusing on the 'Affiliated' products tab. At the top, there are tabs for 'All products', 'Discover', 'Affiliated'.  On the upper right, there is a search bar next to a purple button labeled 'Gumroad affiliate'. Below this, we see a summary section with four large boxes displaying key statistics:  'Revenue' is at $1,805.15. 'Sales' number 1,192. 'Products' count 4,443. 'Affiliated creators' total 2,219. Below the summary section is a list of products with the following columns:  'Product' name. 'Sales' number. 'Type' of sale (either 'Direct' or 'Gumroad'). 'Commission' rate (all at 10%). 'Revenue' generated. The list details several products. The first, 'Dynamic System for VRChat', has 11 sales, is a direct sale, has a 10% commission, and has generated $11 in revenue. There's an option to 'Copy link' to the right.  The second product, '120 Pages Lined Paper Interior.pdf for KDP', has 7 sales, is through Gumroad, also has a 10% commission, and has generated $1.70 in revenue, with a 'Copy link' option as well.  Other products listed are 'Monthly Poetry Club' and 'My comics', each with 4 sales, a direct sale type, a 10% commission, and revenues of $11 and $5.50 respectively, both with the 'Copy link' option.
The Affiliated dashboard

Once a Gumroad creator adds you as an affiliate, you should see the affiliated product here.

Please note that you cannot remove yourself as an affiliate for any product; you will have to contact the product's creator for that.