Collaborate with another creator

If you’ve worked with another creator to create a product for your audience, our Collaborators feature allows you to jointly manage the product and automatically pay them a portion of every sale! 

Add a collaborator

  1. Create your product as you typically would 
  2. Click Add collaborator on the Collaborators dashboard
  3. You can either add them as collaborators for all products or select individual products for which they will get a commission and how much their cut is (the maximum cut is 50%).

Collaborators must have an account created and their payments settings filled out before they can be invited.

Note: Adding a collaborator to a product with affiliates will remove all its affiliates.

If ‘Show as a co-creator’ is selected, we will display both usernames on the product page:

The main creator will be responsible for Gumroad fees on each sale, so plan accordingly when deciding the split. 

How it looks to a collaborator

From the collaborator’s side, they will receive an email notifying them they’ve been added and showing them their cut of the proceeds. 

Collabs dashboard

Users can visit their Collabs dashboard to see all collaborated products, the cut for each, and total revenue generated. They can edit products here as well.

What happens after a purchase?

At the time of sale, the collaborator’s portion is added to their Gumroad balance and is paid out the same way as all other Gumroad creators and affiliates. 

Editing/Deleting a collaborator

You can edit or delete a collaborator from the collaborator dashboard. Anytime there is an update or deletion, we will send an email to the collaborator, notifying them of the changes. 

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